I’ve added Minimalism tag on this blog, since I’ve written a lot about. So far, the effort is focusing on “digital” minimalism. From the very beginning, we all knew that we could spend a tons of time on the internet, aimlessly. Paul Graham has written about in 2008.

After years of carefully avoiding classic time sinks like TV, games, and Usenet, I still managed to fall prey to distraction, because I didn’t realize that it evolves. Something that used to be safe, using the Internet, gradually became more and more dangerous. Some days I’d wake up, get a cup of tea and check the news, then check email, then check the news again, then answer a few emails, then suddenly notice it was almost lunchtime and I hadn’t gotten any real work done. And this started to happen more and more often.

To deal with that, I have experimented various strategies, including cancelling an internet contract to make my home entirely offline except for mobile phones. Nowadays I use more moderate strategies, such as blocking a few apps and websites on my phone and laptops.

So the digital part is being okay.

Meanwhile, I’m nowhere close to a physical minimalist. I have too many stuff and they aren’t organized well. The room I use for work-from-home is a mess. I don’t want to be “living in a van” minimalist, but I could reduce clutters around me.