The 2nd day of RubyKaigi - Net::HTTP Strikes Back

Of course, RubyKaigi was held at July 16 to 18. Sorry for my laziness.

Elise Huard - Actors on stage

Elise talked about parallel programming and actors. Personally, I want to know about "how to design actors" or "pattern of actors". So I asked on the session and talked after the session. She answerd:

  • First, you should split your problem into actors.
  • And don't share mutable state with actors.
  • "Supervisor" is very common pattern to build fault-tolerant system.

Eric Hodel - Writing Friendly Libraries

Eric (Dr. Brain) talked about "how to design/implement/release" friendly libraries. I remembered Microsoft Press's "Framework Design Guidelines".

Richard Huang - Use rails_best_practices to refactor your rails codes

Richard (@flyerhzm) talked about his library, rails_best_practices. It's Perl::Critic for Rails. And their internal expression is S-expression. Long live Lisp!

Wen-Tien Chang - BDD style Unit Testing

Wen (@ihower) talked about RSpec. Several years ago, I think RSpec is "just a syntax". But maybe it's time to rethink about RSpec. His talk gave good opportunity for me.

Chris Kowalik - Efficient JavaScript integration testing with Ruby and V8 engine

Chris talked about Mike. His fast headless-browser. I think it's really big project and V8 is not so good for embedding. I asked on the session and after the session.

I think V8 is not good for embedding. We don't have multiple instances per process.
Well, but V8 has context to separete their execution environment.
Browser is really big software. Will you implement renderer?
No. Mike doesn't need renderer.
libxml2 can parse broken HTML, but their behavior is not documented well. Do you have a plan to support HTML5 parsing?
Sometimes. But my first goal is finish.

Yehuda Katz - Advancing Net::HTTP

Yehuda Katz talked about Net::HTTP, asynchronous programming and reactor model. His talk was powerful. I was impressed.

Kakutani Shintaro - The Gate

Kakutani talked about his story, or history between Ruby, RubyKaigi and himself.

Sometime, my friends (especially, non-Ruby programmers) say "Ruby programmers are too enthusiastic". Well. However, several years ago, Ruby was a yet another minor language. But some people love and use. Now we have many developers, implementations, businesses and JIS X 3017!

Enthusiasm is not so bad. Do you want to use your favorite language on your business?


Really interesting and exciting. I met many people and drunk a lot. And I talked with Yehuda Katz and Matz!